
【2022.6.29 #世界工業設計日】

非常開心再度迎來 #世界設計組織 #WDO 推動的 #629世界工業設計日 World Industrial Design Day ,CIDA在此介紹亞洲響應的設計能量:#ADA亞洲設計聯盟

#亞洲設計聯盟(Asia Designers Assembly, #ADA)於1996年由中華民國工業設計協會、日本工業設計協會 、韓國工業設計協會共同推動,並於2001年正式成立,其目標是在亞洲推廣工業設計,


今年CIDA邀請 ADA成員日本JIDA與韓國Kaid一起響應WDO 世界工業設計日。尤其,ADA自2001年起,台日韓三國致力舉辦國際學生設計研習營(International Student Design Workshop, ISDW),透過研習營齊聚三國設計師與學生,引領年輕一代開拓視野,增進交流,每年培養約60名的學員,迄今已逾二十年,持續推動培養未來設計能量與新銳之運作宗旨,深刻呼應了今年WIDD之主題:Leadership。CIDA期許身為ADA亞洲設計聯盟的成員,能繼續與日韓攜手,為亞洲、國際設計領域注入能量,並帶領設計改變生活,推動產業與社會不斷前進。


歡迎大家一起響應慶祝 #629世界工業設計日!


It’s so glad to welcome the 629 World Industrial Design Day promoted by World Design Organization (WDO) again. CIDA is here to introduce the design energy of Asia's response: #Asia Designers Assembly (ADA).


In 1996 October 21st three major industrial design associations of Chinese Industrial Design Association (CIDA), Japanese Industrial Design Association ( @JIDAnetwork  JIDA) and Korea Association of Industrial Design ( @kaid1972  KAID), came together to sign the contract that built a history making bond.


2001 the three major design associations came together to form an organization called ADA, with the goal to promote industrial design through Asia. In the past the top tier designs where predominantly from Europe. We hope to change that and eventually move the spotlight into Asia.


This year, CIDA invited ADA members, JIDA and Kaid to respond to the WDO World Industrial Design Day.

Especially, ADA has been held the International Student Design Workshop (ISDW) since 2001.

The idea of ADA student workshop came into shape in Japan JIDA. After the concept formed into reality the event became such a success, the three associations decided to take turn in hosting ADA student-workshop. We hope this student work shop tradition will help build new perspectives in our younger generation and border their horizons in design.


It deeply echoes the theme of this year's WIDD: Leadership. CIDA hopes that as a member of the ADA, we will continue to work with Japan and South Korea to inject energy into the Asian and international design fields, and lead design to change human lives and promote the continuous advancement of industry and society.


Welcome to join us to celebrate #629World Industrial Design Day!





#WeareCIDA #設計力社會益 #CIDA好康報報 #ChineseIndustrialDesignersAssociation




#WDO #WIDD #leadership

#629世界工業設計日 #WIDDandCIDA